正在播放: 爱情丛书系列之我的好先生 | 第8集


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  • 2023 10.0
  • 1994 5.0


    乾隆三十八年间,少林叛徒高进忠率领清兵血洗少林。侥幸逃生的义士对高恨之入骨,誓杀奸贼以报冤仇。然几次复仇行动皆告失败,以洪熙官(林正英 饰)为首的一众义士避开清兵锋芒,前往广州创办了“琼花会馆”。但不久高进忠调任广州提督,来至此地,双方又是一场恶斗。 另一方面,广州方姓之家有一公子,名叫世玉(钱嘉乐 饰),他自幼随母习武,功夫了得,加上天性顽皮,少不得在外惹出祸端。广州恶霸雷老虎死在方世玉手下,雷的妻子李小环和丈人李巴山对世玉穷追不舍。危急时刻,奄奄一息的世玉遇见了正在逃避官府追杀的洪熙官……

  • 1984 10.0



  • 2022 3.0



  • 2015 4.0


    Since 1977, Sam Klemke has been recording himself on film, the #selfieavantlalettre. In that same year, NASA launched the Voyager with the Golden Record. Whereas NASA primarily sketches a positive picture of humanity, Klemke's honest self portraits zoom in on the individual. A special film about time, memory and what it means to be human.  ‘This year will be my year, it has to be!’ Since 1977, Sam Klemke - a pioneer status updater - has looked back on ‘his year’ using video. With the illusion of progress, he hopes to encourage ‘personal growth and improvement’.  Documentary maker Matthew Bate met Klemke on Facebook and became acquainted with his video 35 Years Back Through Time, a super-cut in which Klemke counts backwards from 2011 to his ambitious teenage self. Intrigued by this obsessive film project, Bate used Klemke's personal archive to create a documentary collage that feels like an intimate road trip, with Klemke providing valuable lessons about time. Along the way, he dismantles the dream of success and happiness. Klemke's self-mockery and honesty give the whole thing a light, breezy feel.  Through this, Bate interweaves NASA’s Golden Record Project which, just like Klemke’s video project, was launched in 1977. This juxtaposition creates a reflection in which Bate sketches the comprehension of time and self-documenting stories as an inherent human need.

  • 2023 4.0



  • 2023 5.0
  • 2022 8.0



  • 2013 2.0


    When an energy experiment goes haywire, a rash of massive hurricanes rips across North America. A high school science teacher must get his family to safety before the hurricanes merge, creating a "hypercane" with the power to wipe the US off the map.

  • 2024 8.0
  • 2024 9.0
  • 2024 1.0


    改编自已故加拿大作家 L.R. 赖特的埃德加奖获奖九部曲《卡尔阿尔伯格》系列,讲述了卡尔阿尔伯格(萨瑟兰饰)搬到一个安静的沿海小镇,以抚慰被大城市警察工作所摧毁的心灵。但这个温柔的天堂隐藏着太多...

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